Boris RED Title Templates in Media 100
Boris RED title tools tightly integrate with the Media 100 user interface. Choosing a lower third or an animated title from the vast library built by Boris FX over the years is fast and easy. Let's dive right into the program is see how it works.
We'll start by choosing the Insert New Clip>Title from the Edit Menu in Media 100. One of the choices in that menu lets you open the new Library Browser window where you can pick a template and type in your text. It is an easy one step solution for quick text creation within Media 100.
Use the left side navigation panel to expand the "custom backdrops" folder. This folder contains templates that are geared toward a two line lower third title consisting of the name of the person and his or her title or location. When you first install Media 100 the previews on the right side of the window will have to be generated by pressing the little square Generate Thumbnails button under the viewer on the left.
Pay attention to the tool tips to locate the correct button. The generation process is very fast and from that point on the thumbnails will be saved for future use. Now is the time to select the template. You can select the template by clicking on it with the mouse or by using up/down/left/right keys on the keyboard to move around the grid. The selected template will show up in the viewer with the placeholder text, which we are just about to replace. The text edit pane is right below the navigation panel. Click there to place the cursor and start typing.
Because the template includes two lines of text we have to separate the two strings. It is done with a tab key. Now press the red "Insert Text" button to replace the placeholder text with what you just typed in. To preview the template with actual text in the viewer panel press the Play button located under that panel.
Press Apply button to go back to your Media 100 timeline if you are happy with the final look of your text. Now it will be inserted in your Media 100 timeline.
And as any overlay graphics the new lower third will play back in real-time.